Good morning. I was ready to reach into my vault of prepped filler posts for today. But I'm highly caffeinated, watching Cacpcom Cup VOD as I write this, still feeling estactic I found a controller that doesn't make my hands hurt. And, last night, *Makes the smuggest face* I copied a (baby) 5-button combo visually first try and did it consistantly. *Sparkles* I love fighting games. I love that I can play them as long as I want now without fear of busting up my hands. I'm surprising myself things are slowly clicking for me.
I'm halfway through the CC groups and every match has been so good. I won't spoil in case you haven't watched it yet, but my faves are winning and there's some great surprises. Matches so good it makes me want to pause and boot up to play SF6. The urge is so much I'm considering to not do my usual stuff and let myself play since I couldn't as much before.

I'm hyped about SF6 so have a GBVSR Season 2 character I'd drop Vane for.