A mutual on twitter was so kind to send me goodies from the SF Valentine's day merch shop! And a couple large sticker bonuses too. ;u; Aaah, I can't help but gush over them. They're all so adorable! I couldn't find enough different ways to thank them.

The Vixtrix Pro KO leverless controller arrived the same day and so far I'm very pleased with it. (The Xbox version was heavily discounted at Amazon, making me happier.)
I can't use a pad or fight stick controller for fighting games, my left hand is very weak especially my thumb. It makes doing quick movements inconsistent, even tapping left or right twice to dash. When I used my ol' snackbox, my first leverless, I could do dashes more consistently than with the other controllers. Now, all controllers make my hands hurt after 2-ish hours of fighting games, the snackbox is no exception. I've tried to find a placement that was cozy. Not in my lap, it sat too low and if I tried to put in on something else it was too high. On a desk or table is fine, but my hands and wrists would cut into the edges. It's also incredibly light and prone to slide around especially when I'm scrambly in a match.
The Pro KO is incredibly comfortable. The body is made of metal and has some heft to it compared to the plastic light-as-a-feather snackbox. I played GBVSR all day Saturday and Sunday and I didn't even realize I was until last night. I played for maybe a combined 8 hours and no hand pain! I wasn't thinking how to place it and it didn't slide around. Perfect for my lap. The buttons' LED lights aren't too bright in the evening and I can easily turn them off without a janky app like the snackbox has to use. (Which I hated btw, the brightness settings never saved) I guess a knock against the Pro KO is there isn't as many LED options but eh, I'm not constantly looking down at my controller to admire it.

The top where the buttons are is taller than the snackbox but the bottom recedes to being shorter.

It's still new-ish so there's no one printing customizable skins to overlay it, something I want badly because it's prone to catch smudges. It's not as bad as say, using a tablet and leaving smudges everywhere but enough to irk me and clean it in the evening. I bought some cute Dragon Knight stickers to adorn it for now.