
Script 1

Ken in a dark part of the boat, there’s a drape. this is probably where waiters get stuff.
(Eliza) “What are you hiding away for?”

It’s Eliza, she’s approached Ken who looks at her surprised.
“Your surprise party too much for you?”

Ken straightens up. He’ll be vulnerable with Eliza.
“Ha, maybe.
“First time having a big shindig like this since coming back.
“Makes sense.
“I guess it would have been better if Ryu got an invite.

Flashback begins. Ken is sad, under his blankie, surrounded by home comforts he got to bring. Panel note is “first year of training” “secretly homesick”
(Narration)“You see…”
Ryu being Ryu, has squatted next to him, Ken rolls away to hide his upset face
“What’s wrong?”
“…My parents forgot my birthday.” (Ken note: They did not, the package didn’t reach that day)
“There’s no cake…”
“No presents…”
“No party…”

“They abandoned me here.” (Ken note: No, I still visited home a lot and spoiled)

Ryu isn’t sure what to say here, but, he’ll do what he can. He doesn’t want Ken to leave, after all.
“…Can we do this “party” thing tomorrow?”
“What would you know about them?”
“I don’t! But I want to.”

Ken sitting up, showing he was hugging a baby blanket.
“Stupid…we can’t do that without music.”
“Shishou has an radio!”
“What about cake?”
“I’m sure Shishou will let us use some sugar and flour.”

(Narrative)“Since then, Ryu asked for his own calendar and kept track of the days. Remembering all our birthdays.”

Flashback to homesick kid Ken. He’s upset his parents forgot his birthday, (they did not) there’s no presents, no cake, no party to a tentative Ryu. Ryu swears
he won’t forget from now on, and while he doesn’t know what a party is, he’ll do his best!
Through the years Ryu remembered Ken’s bday even when Ken forgot!
We aren’t kids anymore, and I know Ryu is serious about traveling.
“My parents said they invited Ryu, but I know he’s traveling now.

Ken’s sad dark portrait shapes the side of the panel as Eliza gently listens.
“No way he got the invite. Or a way to get here.

Eliza smiles reassuringly.
“But just think, when he does get it, I bet he’ll come running as soon as he can.”

Eliza takes Ken’s arm. Ken is a little assured.
“So it’ll be a second birthday surprise!”

Ken sees a servant put mail in the dividers. There’s one for Ken.
“Oh, excuse me, sir, I’ll be out of your way in a moment.”

Ken stares wide-eyed, perhaps…
It’s a scraggly letter with Ryu written on the back, Japanese-style

Eliza looks in surprise
“Oh, what pretty writing…!”

"Final" Script

Ryu being Ryu, has squatted next to him, Ken is rolling away to hide his upset face
“What’s wrong?”
“…My parents forgot my birthday.”
“There’s no cake…”
“No presents…”
“No party with decorations…”

Ken is shown hugging his home pillow, or maybe a stuffed animal to drive home it came from home
“They abandoned me here.”

Ryu isn’t sure what to say here, but, he’ll do what he can. He doesn’t want Ken to leave, after all.
“…Can we do a “party” thing tomorrow?”
“What would you know about them?”

Ken sitting up,hiding his bear with the blanket.
“I don’t! But I want to.”
“Stupid…we don’t have anything here for a party.”

Ryu is still a boy after all with an imagination Ken is dumbfounded
“Can we gather things outside and make pretend?”

But Ken is a kid after all, and imaginative himself and the gears are churning, Ryu is just as excited
“…We could string up some leaves or flowers to decorate.”
“I bet Shishou will let us borrow some flour and sugar! (We have recipes somewhere).”

Ken is feeling better, smiling at his new friend
(Ryu) “We’ll make a party that even shishou will want to join!”


Blank or background panel of a party lights
“Ken! You know all too well you received the birthday care package that first year.

We see Ken, Eliza, parents, and some old stuffy people surrounding them. Ken looks annoyed taking a champagne glass from a passing tray and Eliza watches him quietly.
“We even confirm with receipts that it was delivered!”
“…If you would have let me finish—

His mother corrects his hold
“I was getting to the part that it feels weird having a birthday party without Ryu.”
“Honestly, you’re both grown men now.”

Eliza quietly corrects her hold too, it’s more of a humorous panel
“It’s time you moved on from pining for the old days.

Ken wants to blow a fuse but he’s cultured enough to not make a scene as a Masters to the randos
“…If you’ll excuse me, then.”


Bird-eye view of Ken and Eliza cutting through the crowd in a huff. a stranger wishes Ken a happy birthday
“They leave me in the mountains for most of my life
“—and act surprised when I can’t hold a glass to their liking.

They’re in the waiters area, or the back of the boat. Tie is off.
“…what else can I talk about besides what I’ve known?

Eliza takes the tie.
I’ve listened about you and Ryu since we met.
I know he’s special to you, and your time there.

It’s around her neck now. She’s comforting Ken
You’re homesick, aren’t you?
Well, uh…

She changes her grip to something very wrong.
Your parents might be in a rush, making up lost time
But you can take your time with me.

he matches her grip as they clink
Until you look back to home and not be sad, but the fond memories they are.

“Happy birthday, Ken.”