I'm still new to writing. Before, I happily drew other people's incredible stories so I didn't think too much how it's done. I focused on the telling it's story through pictures which comes easier for me. All I know about writing a fancomic is: I want the story to be somewhat enjoyable, get my theme across, with character references galore. Writing past anything than a moment in time, to think about the plot is so stressful.
To be fair, I think what makes it difficult is I've chosen to restrict myself to write about established characters. I want to do my best to keep them as much in-character--despite the out-of-character fact they're kissing each other. I think about their personalities and put them in a (sexy) room together. But then my love for drama and character study sneaks in and chases the sexy times away. It's a lot of fun in itself to figure out them out, like what does Ken do at night after work?
After the outline and on to actually writing the script itself, the characters start writing the story for me: they go in different directions, speak to related characters I didn't want involved. I have to decide how resteer them to get back to my outline and theme. Or: well, fine, I'll change the theme to indulge my love for drama. And then the characters find new ways to run away from that!
But out of all that frustration, continuously writing the characters out and heavy editing I feel like I understand my favorites more. I worked within their characterization to make a better overall story while still have my sexy dessert. I can only hope I wrote it well enough to be enjoyable to readers as well.