Almost every day for the past half year, I've picked at my Draw a Box homework and balanced it with it's required "draw for fun" counter-homework.

But I've also spent a lot of time working through Naoki Saito's 3 month plan, figure/forms study, and my fangirl need to draw my favorite characters to boot. I'm all over the place when all this time I want to improve sooner than later.

Draw a Box helped me so much to viewing things differently. I never realized all my life I drew with symbols instead of what I percieve Forms and shadows were also not something I really thought about and I'm so embarrassed about it.

As much as I'm in a rush to do every little lesson and challenge I'm going to focus finishing the DaB lessons. They want to teach the guts of drawing, how to understand it. I think any other lesson plan I follow afterwards will come easier once I finish the first.

But for my drawing for fun side, I'll shoot for drawing a favorite a day.

To start off with, here's a morning drawing of Ken.