Brain Dump

Brain Dump 1

Ken’s birthday… A story from youth? When he was back in America after training? He could reminisce about how he celebrated with shishou and Ryu compared to the big fancy party his parents threw him now that he’s home.

Big birthday bash. A band playing, they’re on a yacht similar to his alpha stage. Eliza asks him what’s up? He’s hidden himself away. Ken is a little bummed this was a surprise party, he would have tried to invite Ryu even if it wouldn’t reach him in time. Eliza feels for him. BUT somehow she cheers him up. what could she say?

Flashback to homesick kid Ken. He’s upset his parents forgot his birthday, (they did not) there’s no presents, no cake, no party to a tentative Ryu. Ryu swears he won’t forget from now on, and while he doesn’t know what a party is, he’ll do his best!
Through the years Ryu remembered Ken’s bday even when Ken forgot!
We aren’t kids anymore, and I know Ryu is serious about traveling.
“My parents said they invited Ryu, but I know he’s traveling now.

Brain Dump 2

Flashback of first year Ken was sent to train. recounts his loneliness and feeling abandoned
Suddenly the story is interjected by his parents. They quickly explain they didn’t forget and he should know better because surely he eventually got his birthday package.
Ken is so annoyed by his parents still telling him what to do.
Ken stands corrected, and gets a glass of champagne from a tray
while his father jokes to Eliza she better be prepared to hear nothing but about his training and Ryu
Meanwhile his mother is correcting how he should hold it,
Eliza quietly matches the hold too.
She explains he spent most of his years in the mountains he needs to relearn manners.