
Ryu x Ken fanbook #1

    A collection of short comics featuring young and old Ryu and Ken with connecting themes. My first RyuKen fanbook!


Online Sketchbook Requests エアスケブ + Report

FG-Fes uses Pictsquare to host the event. Pictsquare uses 2D, Dragon Quest-like graphics to navigate the tables (or shops in this case!). I had a great time exploring them all, finding the free goodies some had, and bought lots of books and goods!

My 5 minute shop design

My direct neighbor Odamakiさん's fun shop! I also used KAMEさん's free to use Ken avatar.

Personal Thoughts

    These comics were originaly thumbnails that were going to be posted on socials but I used them for this short book instead. I only had less than two weeks before the event but somehow I did it! I wish it was a bit longer but I like the ideas in it.

    Personal stuff--I was in a lot of pain for the first half of the year. I couldn't work on my original, bigger book in a timely manner as the pain got worse and worse. But I had surgery for it at the start of June, and IMMEDIATELY felt better. (Depsite having to heal from surgery, ow ow.) I was able to sit and draw pain-free again. This minibook was done on a whim instead of pushing back the main book. But it feels like a big win for me that I can draw comics again.